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The Female Cycle #1 Menstruation

Updated: Nov 28, 2024

Dive into the reflective phase with hormone specialist Lavinia Frantzen

female cycle goddess

The female cycle is a remarkable phenomenon often overlooked in society's adherence to the standard 24-hour clock tailored to men. Women, however, follow a different biorhythm dictated by their monthly cycle, a blueprint less understood by the general public. Yet, understanding this cycle is empowering. This column explores the four phases of the female cycle, beginning with the most familiar: menstruation. A woman’s cycle typically spans between 21 and 35 days, averaging 28 days. Day one marks the onset of menstruation, lasting roughly 3 to 7 days.

Ideally, menstruation should be painless, but unfortunately, it's not always the case. There's a rising trend in cycle-related complaints, underscoring the importance of knowledge.

In my practice, I've observed the transformative impact of tailoring nutrition to women's cycles, alleviating symptoms. In addition to nutrition, attention to hormonal processes during menstruation is crucial for the flow of the cycle. Hormones like progesterone and estrogen are low, prompting introspection and stillness. As estrogen briefly rises midway through menstruation, the body engages in its monthly hormonal dance, shedding the uterine lining built up in the preceding luteal phase. Embracing this phase entails listening to your body, acknowledging its need for rest, lifestyle adjustments, and movement.

I created a list of tips that can externally and internally support you on your journey towards an easy and conscious cycle. Cycle tracking can be a beautiful way to educate yourself on your unique feminine blueprint.


● Incorporate antioxidant-rich berries, warming turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, and healthy fats to combat inflammation.

● Limit consumption of fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugars.

● Employ cooking techniques like roasting, slow cooking, and stewing.

● Emphasize root vegetables like beets and sweet potatoes, rich in essential minerals.

Female cycle menstruation


● Spend time in nature, connecting with its rhythms.

● Engage in gentle activities like yin yoga, walking, or tai chi.

● Listen to your body’s signals and respond with kindness.

● Opt for menstrual products free of toxic substances, such as organic cotton tampons or menstrual cups.

● Choose natural skincare and makeup products to minimize hormonal disruption.

Awareness of my cycle has yielded profound benefits, notably reduced menstrual discomfort and smoother transitions between phases. I advocate for every woman to embrace the natural ebb and flow of her cycle. There is a deep connection between our feminine intuition and how we integrate our female cycle.

Lastly, menstruation should not be synonymous with pain and discomfort. Seeking guidance for severe symptoms is essential, as there are numerous avenues for relief. Every woman deserves a harmonious relationship with her cycle.

Stay close for the upcoming articles, diving deeper into the full cycle of being a woman with our specialist on the topic Lavinia Frantzen.


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